Kurdish Diaspora in Germany Establish MED Production and Distribution Cooperative

In Düsseldorf, Germany, the MED Production and Distribution Cooperative has begun its activities after a period of preparation. The cooperative, founded through an initiative of a group from Kurdistan including tradesmen and lawyers, held an opening congress in Düsseldorf, Germany last weekend. Among the attendees were nearly 50 tradesmen from Kurdistan, as well as Yüksel

The Rojava Revolution: The Revolution of Economic Achievements and Return to Communal Economy

After the announcement of the Democratic Self Administration in 2014, institutions were organised and local councils and committees were formed which concentrated their efforts on the economic situation in the region. One of the missions of the Economic Committee was to support the agricultural, industrial and commercial projects throughout Rojava, with the aim of reaching self-sufficiency, curbing monopoly and exploitation, reducing unemployment and activating the work force, both male and female.

Bakur: The Fate of Women’s Projects is Unclear

Following the top-down appointment of an administration in the municipality of Nusaybin, Mardin, the future of the ‘Women’s Labour Market’, a project named ‘Jiyana bê sînor’ (Life without limits) is uncertain. The project had been designed with the goals of increasing female employment and creating solidarity between women subjected to all kinds of violence and

Bulgur Factory Project to Start Work in November

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hasakah [Hesekê / Hesîçe / Al-Hasakah] has started building the Bulgur Factory Cooperative. The daily production capacity will be 20 tons. There are already 700 members, and the door is still open for people to participate in the project, which will start operating at the beginning of November.  Since

Poultry Farmer Syndicate Forms in Manbij

The Economic Committee has formed a syndicate for the owners of poultry farms in the region of Manbij [Minbic / Minbij] and its adjacent villages. This happened during a meeting in the lecture hall of Manbij Youth, which by many people attended. The attendees discussed issues connected to the poultry farmers and how to secure their needs

July 19th Revolution: a Start Toward a Federal, Democratic Syria

The July 19th Revolution, whose spark started in Kobanî [Kobanê / Ayn al-Arab] in 2012, soon echoing in the region and the world, has achieved considerable victories on the military, political, and social levels during the last five years ─ achieving unique progress in leading the community towards democracy and federalism, perceived by observers as the

David Graeber: Syria, Anarchism and visiting Rojava

DAVID GRAEBER: I was in Syria once. I was in southern Turkey. I was in Iraq. I was in a variety of different areas within the Kurdish territories that are experimenting with direct democracy. Interviewer: Can you tell me about what brought you there, and certainly from the very beginning? DAVID GRAEBER: It was less