Ecologists: Plunder should not be the fate of this region

The area affected by the fire that erupted between Amed and Mêrdîn and killed 15 people, should be declared a disaster area, ecologists say, “This plunder should not be the fate of this region.”

Solar-powered water well provides vital resource to town in Kurdish-led North and East Syria

A solar-powered water well has been constructed in Dêrik, a town governed by the Autonomous Administration North and East Syria (AANES), marking a significant advancement in sustainable infrastructure in the Kurdish-led region.

Project in Hasakah aims to solve water crisis

The Turkish state has been stopping the Alouk water station from pumping drinking water. The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) has developed a project aiming at solving the ongoing water outages affecting 1.5 million people.

Drinking water reaches Hesekê

After the water stations were put into service again and the problems with the Xebûr Canal were resolved, water began to be supplied to the neighborhoods of Hesekê from the Euphrates River.

Time of Harvest in the women’s cooperatives

The Women‘s Economic Committee began harvesting the crops of wheat, lentils, cumin, coriander, fenugreek and barley from the women‘s cooperatives for the 2024 season and delivering them to storage centers in the region.

Water to reach Hesekê in less then 48 hours, says Democratic Autonomous Administration

The Democratic Autonomous Administration institutions started to operate stations that would pump water from the Euphrates River to reach the city of Hesekê in less than 48 hours.

New solar energy in Dêrik: The Construction of the solar powered well began

After the Turkish airstrikes against the infrastructure in Rojava, the Democratic Autonomous Administration together with initiatives of international solidarity are developing ecological solutions.

Rojava: Drip irrigation against desertification

Agriculture is one of the main causes of desertification due to its massive water consumption. In Northern and Eastern Syria, attempts are being made to stop the desertification process through drip irrigation.

Final declaration of Rojava Ecology Conference published

Last April, a conference called "Ecology in Democratic Modernity - From Resistance to Construction: Perspectives, Possibilities & Challenges" was organized in Qamishlo.

Ibrahim Esed: Ecological genocide continues

Ibrahim Esed is co-chair of the Ecology Committee. In this interview, he talked about the need to further develop ecological awareness in Northern and Eastern Syria and to oppose Turkish attacks on the environment.

Women as vanguard of the ecological and anticolonial struggle

Interview with Berivan Omer and other insights from the ecological conference.

Afrin-Shehba Canton Municipality continues to serve people despite attacks and embargo

Afrin-Shehba Canton Municipality does not stop its activities despite the attacks and embargo, and serves the public based on an ecological life. In 2024, solar energy will spread in the districts and villages.