Growing University System in DAANES Begins a New Year

Another school year has begun in the university system in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES). Over 3,000 students attend the three DAANES universities, Rojava University, located in Qamishlo, Kobane University in Kobane, and the newest, Al-Sharq University in Raqqa. A fourth, the University of Afrin, was forced to close following the Turkish occupation of the city in 2018.

Building Alternative Universities in the Midst of War and Revolution

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of North-Eastern Syria (DAANES) is building an alternative education system under siege from multiple powers, defying the control of the Ba’athist education system of the Assad regime as well as the Turkish occupation forces and their proxies. The alternative system has accomplished such measures as the reintroduction of the Kurdish language for young students—drastically altering the way of life in the region. However, building institutions of higher education in an area where many native Kurds could not even have Syrian citizenship two decades ago poses a major challenge.

Wave of repression against Kurdish language associations continues

Two more people were taken into custody as part of the wave of repression against Kurdish language institutions. This brings the total number of people in custody from Kurdish cultural and language organizations to 31.

Mehmet Asena: We will protect our language

MED-DER worker Mehmet Asena said that the raids on MED-DER and Payîz Pirtûk were part of a systematic and special war policy, and added that they will defend the Kurdish language despite the arrests and repression.

Evîn Siwêd: The Autonomous Administration’s solution strategy is clear

On the sixth anniversary of the establishment of the Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria, Evîn Sîwêd from the Executive Council said they are determined to bring about a political solution and to preserve the integrity of Syria.

‘We Are Hope, We Are Peace’ campaign explains content of Family Law in Northern and Eastern Syria

The ‘We Are Hope, We Are Peace’ campaign carried out in Northern and Eastern Syria aims to explain the content of the Family Law as well as end violence against women and raise awareness among men.

‘Our main goal is to create an equal, just and democratic society based on women’s freedom’

Mekiye Hiso, a member of the Syrian Women's Assembly, said that they have once again realised the importance of women's self-defence with the revolution in North and East Syria, adding that they will focus more on organisation in Syrian cities.

Syriac women take solidarity as a basis

Founded in 2013, the Syriac Women's Union aims to develop women's and social organisation in the Middle East through the solidarity of Arab, Kurdish and Syriac women.

Women and Men Share Power in ‘Co-Chair’ System Throughout North and East Syria

Since its inception in 2014, the social contract of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) has stipulated that all government bodies, including local councils, cabinets, and defense forces, must have one man and one woman sharing power in the executive seats.

Webinar on the Co-Chair system in NE Syria

On May 9th, the Civil Diplomacy Center, in cooperation with Neighborhood Parliaments in India, organized a webinar on “The Co-Chair System in Rojava – NE Syria”.

Women build common life in Jinwar

Women living in Jinwar, an all-women village, work together to build a common life. The village is the place that they always dreamed of living in.

Final declaration of Rojava Ecology Conference published

Last April, a conference called "Ecology in Democratic Modernity - From Resistance to Construction: Perspectives, Possibilities & Challenges" was organized in Qamishlo.