Two Years After Opening, Suz Co-operative Meets Most of Afrin’s Needs

This is a translation of an Arabic article by Rozana Dawud that first appeared on Hawar News on 27 November, 2017

A food enterprise project in the area of Rajo [Reco / Raju] in Afrin [Kantona Efrînê‎ / Afrîn] has achieved great success through the participation of many people who see it as their main choice for buying household necessities.

The siege imposed on Afrin by the Ba’athist regime and the mercenary groups has caused inflation and food shortages, therefore Suz Co-operative Society in Afrin opened a branch in the centre of Rajo on 1 Febuary, 2016 in order to satisfy people’s basic needs and regulate the fluctuating prices.

Many people participated in this project, and the project has become a main destination for a lot of people. An interesting thing about this place is that it offers products according to the demands of the customers.

Aminah Shekho, a citizen from the village of Karah in Rajo, said that she goes there every Saturday. She finds the prices much better than the prices in the market, and the members of her family also like to buy from the project.

Khalil Omar said that the opening of the enterprise is a very important step to satisfy the needs of the people of the region, and he also likes to buy food for his family there. He said, “The prices in the market and other villages are much higher than the prices in the association, and there are also more diverse products there.”

The project has two managers. Alia’a Rashid, a member of the project, said, “The enterprise opened as a result of the inflation and food shortages. Their main aim is to meet people’s needs and curb monopoly.” She also said that they are trying to open another project in order to decrease the pressure on this one.