Kasrek Co-operative Begins Harvest

Dirbêsiyê ─ With the start of June, agricultural and livestock co-operative Kasrek [Qesrik], the largest co-operative society of Jazira Canton [Kantona Cizîrê‎ / Cezîre], began harvesting their rain-fed and irrigated crops. They will distribute the profits among 5,300 members. Kasrek Co-operative, a project of The Centre for Economy in Derbesiye‎ [Dirbêsiyê / Al-Darbasiyah], is considered the largest co-op in Jazira

Women’s Economy Spreads from Rojava to Aleppo

Kongreya Star continues supporting the women’s economy in Aleppo and creating appropriate jobs for women, by starting small projects to allow them to become self-sufficient and improve their own economy by themselves. Women in Aleppo have been suffering from the crisis for six long years; the war has caused a lot of poverty. They have been through harsh circumstances

Greenhouses for Autonomy in Van, North Kurdistan

In the village Norkox (Yolaşan) near Payîzava (Gürpınar) in the eastern Turkish province Van [Wan], Metin Demir and Nadir Abdullah started an agrarian initiative for the local population. Usually, the locals travelled every year to western Turkey for seasonal work, but now there is a local alternative: collective greenhouses have been opened. Vegetables, cucumbers, aubergine and

Launch of Fourth Economic Project in Jandairis

The Centre for Economic Development in Jandairis [Jindires / Cindarisa / Cindirêsê] has launched its fourth economic project in the area, after the project of planting vegetables in the village of Muhammadia. The Centre for Economic Development in Jandairis had a meeting in its headquarters for the participants in the economic project. The meeting started with a minute

Women’s Cooperative in Bakur / Southeast Turkey Handed Over to Erdoğan’s Daughter as Part of Ongoing Repression

The Xevasor Women’s Cooperative opened by DBP’s Gürpınar Municipality was handed over by the appointed trustee to KADEM where President Erdoğan’s daughter Sümeyye Erdoğan is vice president. A trustee had been appointed after DBP’s Gürpınar Co-mayors Yıldız Çetin and Zeki Yıldız were removed from office on February 3, 2017. Trustee Gürpınar District Governor Osman Doğramacı

“Participating Woman’s Cooperative Society” Begins Harvest in Kobane

Members of The Participating Woman’s Cooperative Society in Kobanî Canton [Kantona Kobaniyê] have begun harvesting the crops of wheat and barley that they planted at the start of last winter. Many of the members of Kongreya Star, The Movement for A Democratic Society [TEV DEM] and other women from Kobani have gathered in the village of Kasbishek, to

Maya Shop: an example of Rojava’s autonomous women’s economy

QAMISHLO – The women who are building the autonomous economy in Rojava develop their work in Maya shop day by day. Communal life has continued to be built in Qamishlo [Qamişlo / Qamishli / Al-Qamishli], city of Cizîr [Jazira / Cizîrê‎ / Cezîre] Canton in Rojava. In Maya Shop, which was founded in 2011 in Qamishlo, the women have

Women Create Autonomous Economy in Rojava

TIRBESPIYÊ – Rojava women, who work in the greenhouse, said that they have begun the first harvest in their greenhouse and that they would expand their planting protects by mentioning their projects on autonomous economy. The Greenhouse Project began in September 2016 in the Tirbespiye [Tirbespî / Al-Qahtaniyah] city of Jazira Canton [Kantona Cizîrê‎ / Cezîre] in Rojava. Successful results