Alternative ways to resist the embargo in Tell Tamer: Home gardens

As the Syrian lira continues to lose value, Syrians who have been badly affected by increasing prices of basic food products have faced food insecurity. People in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES, also known as Rojava) have increasingly been adopting alternative projects – home gardening – to support local agriculture.

Water and Democracy in North and East Syria

Our people survived the authoritarian Syrian regime for decades. We withstood the past decade of war and instability. We battled the invading armies of ISIS. We have weathered a crushing economic collapse in the past year. With our inspiring democratic model, and with our unity and persistence, we can bring water and life back to Hasakah.

“Our main objective is to develop autonomous local structures” – Agid Brahim, Federation of Wounded Individuals

The war against ISIS, but also the recurring Turkish invasions in North and East Syria have left tens of thousands of fighters and civilians injured and long-term disabled. Yet, with a healthcare system in crisis the AANES is struggling to meet the medical needs of its population. The Federation of Wounded Individuals in North and East Syria was created in order to advocate for and represent those who have been long-term or permanently disabled as a result of the war.

Women Work and Socialize at All-Women’s Market

The Women’s Products Market opened by the Qamishlo Municipality is both a workplace and a space for women to socialize. Women working in the market read books written by female authors while drinking coffee or tea. Now, women have 14 stores in the market and they earn a living by selling their products.

Feminism in Syria May Be Under Threat, But Our Project Will Always Be an Inspiration

Everywhere in North and East Syria, women have shown their strength and capacity — in every role, from our highest government offices to farmers and members of economic cooperatives. Our co-leadership model provides an example of how women can recover from generations of oppression, claim our power, and become leaders and actors in our world. This model is in danger of being destroyed — by the Turkish occupation, by the Assad government, or by the Turkish-backed Syrian militias.

Water, the Source of Life

Water is the source of life. To North and East Syria, there is no source of water more vital than the Euphrates river. The Euphrates river has been used to power critical hydroelectric dams, irrigate farmland, provide transportation, maintain the many ecosystems of the region, and supply drinking water to a large number of towns