Make Rojava Green Again Picture Gallery May 2019

In the first half of May, the area surrounding our academy was still green. The temperatures were staying below 30 degree Celsius and we managed to spend most of the day outside taking care of our gardens and finishing up the last bits of tree planting. We also opened a completely new area, where we planted mostly olive trees.

Climate action in Rojava

An action took place in the city of Qamislo in Rojava as part of the global action day of the climate movement, “FridaysForFuture.” Together with the city administration of Qamislo, internationalists from Make Rojava Green Again demonstrated with students of the Rojava University and cleaned up the city.

Kurds of Rojava are going back to the arms of nature

Mr. Riyad used to work in the concrete on a daily basis, but he decided to stop working for big factories and to depend on himself. He tends toward building a natural self-driven economy without being directed by anyone. Mr. Riyad pointed out that he was sick and tired of being a slave in factories and under the orders of employers.

Make Rojava Green Again Picture Gallery April 2019

As April is one of the last months before the summer, we were focusing on the work at the site of our academy. We were continuing to work on our park of the internationalist martyrs and planted trees in another segment of the academy site. In that area we were mixing olive, pomegrenate, grapefruit, almond, plum and mulberry trees. In other different places we continued with planting vegetables and small bushes.