Participation in Planting, Cooperation in Harvesting

Thirty-five participants in an agricultural project managed by The Centre for Economic Development started harvesting what they had planted 3 moths ago. The people in Jandairis [Jindires / Cindarisa / Cindirêsê] have opened four agricultural projects under the direction of the Centre for Economic Development in the canton. The projects included a project to plant 10 hectares of chickpeas in

A Catastrophic Decline in Summer Crops in Mansoura as Turkey Blocks the Flow of the Euphrates

Wheat and other crops that the people of al-Mansoura town, southeast of Tabqa [Tebqa / Al-Thawrah], rely on in their daily survival have declined to less than half as Turkey continues blocking the flow of the Euphrates river, which constitutes a violation of the Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses. The Euphrates passes through Turkey, Syria

The Internal System of the Communes in Rojava

At present, much policy debate is focusing on whether the U.S. should retain troops in the areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern and eastern Syria, as President Trump has made clear his wishes for troops to be pulled out in the near or medium-term. If the U.S. is going to stay in

Turkey is Using Water as a Weapon of War

Turkey has always shown little understanding of the environment, also from an ecological point of view. It has shown no mercy towards nature and people, destroying the landscape and burying a millennia of history under water. One of the most perverse and ruthless ways of interfering in a country without actually entering it is by cutting

The Co-operative Contract of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria

A – Definition and Principles The co-operative is a social organisation that does not seek profit, but the fulfilment of the basic needs of society, based on collective work, sharing, solidarity and self-governance. The co-operatives are basic moral-political pillars of the restructuring of society on a democratic foundation. The co-operatives do not limit themselves to

A Village in Rojava has Achieved Medical Autonomy through Self-organising in Communes

Participation is the essence of communal life, and this is what the people of Halanc village near Kobani have embodied by becoming medically independent. Since activating the communes in Kobanî [Kantona Kobaniyê] once again by liberating it from Daesh [the Islamic State group] in 2016, people have started to self-organise by working in committees. These are the foundation