Electrical transformers arrive in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor after Turkey’s seizure of Euphrates River

On Saturday, the Economic Committee in Deir ez-Zor, east Syria, provided six electrical transformers for agricultural associations in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor in coordination with the Basic Services Program supported by the Global Coalition after the water level of the Euphrates River decreased. The Head of the Agriculture Committee in the city of

Urban Renewal in Diyarbakır: A Tool for Gentrification and Assimilation?

Successive urban renewal projects in Diyarbakır’s (Amed’s) two strategic districts, Sur and Bağlar, might be designed to achieve hidden objectives of the Turkish state. These are the sentiments expressed by a number of urban specialists and residents, who suspect that under the discourse of ‘modernization’ and ‘economic revival’, there might be a secret agenda aimed at gentrification, assimilation and displacement of poor Kurdish citizens.

Rojava is Trying to Build a Green Society, But Turkey is Starving it of Water and Power

Almost the first sight that greets new arrivals in Rojava is endless ranks of oil derricks stretching out into the desert, hauling up tens of thousands of barrels of low-quality crude every day and leaving the surrounding soil polluted and oozing when struck with a spade. For international volunteers drawn to the Kurdish-led autonomous regions by their vision of a feminist, direct-democratic, ecological society, it can be a shocking sight.