Sports Reality in North and East Syria

The Sports Federation consists of several offices: the Office of the Joint Presidency, the Office of Individual Games, the Office of Team Games, the Football Office, the Female Sports Office, the Sports Facilities Office, and the Information Office. All regions in the North and East of Syria have all kinds of sports, such as football, basketball, volleyball, and handball, athletics, weightlifting, chess, cycling, Tae kwon do, Ping-Pong and horse-riding. Sports activities are held throughout the year. The Sports Federation organizes trainings and competitions. Sport is being exercised by people of all ages and genders.

Opinions Divided Over Autonomous Administration Education in North and East Syria

The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) adopts an educational system that teaches mother tongue, as every community in northeast Syria, including Syriacs, Arabs and Kurds, learn their own languages along with other subjects in the schools run by the AANES.