Sheddadi (Şeddadê / Shaddadi / Shaddadah)

Al-Shaddadah or Sheddadi (Arabic: الشدادي‎, Kurdish: Şeddadê) is in the Al-Hasakah Canton, in the Jazira Region of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria.

The city was captured by Al Nusra in 2013, and was later a stronghold of Daesh (ISIS / ISIL). It was liberated by the Syrian Democratic Forces on 19 February, 2016.

At the time of the 2004 census, al-Shaddadah had a population of 15,806.

Time of Harvest in the women’s cooperatives

The Women‘s Economic Committee began harvesting the crops of wheat, lentils, cumin, coriander, fenugreek and barley from the women‘s cooperatives for the 2024 season and delivering them to storage centers in the region.

Translation: Administrative Divisions Law

In preparation for the forthcoming municipal elections in NES, planned for 11th of June [now postponed to 8 August, 2024], the DAANES passed a new law defining the administrative divisions of the NES region. This follows the DAANES’ publication of the new Social Contract in December 2023.

Women from Rojava are also leading in the economic field

With 78 cooperatives, women also play a leading role in building a solidarity economy in Rojava. The construction of the economy takes place under war conditions.

Council of Martyrs’ Families: The Heart of the Revolution

So far, 11,804 fighters have died in the defense of Northern and Eastern Syria. New ones are added every day due to the attacks. The Council of the Families of Martyrs takes care of the relatives in eight committees and 199 municipalities.

Women’s Economy Committee promotes women’s economic empowerment

The Women's Economy Committee in Hasakah, northeastern Syria, promotes women’s economic empowerment by developing projects that serve women, preserving women’s rights and preventing women’s exploitation.

The Success of the Women’s Bakery Project in Şeddadê, North East Syria

Şeddadê District Women’s Economy Committee provides employment opportunities for women with economic difficulties, unemployed or trapped in the home, in the Al-Hasakah (Hesekê) canton of North East Syria. Developing new projects to integrate women into economical life, the committee also continues to support ongoing projects of women. The committee previously founded a bakery in the

Bread Crisis in Syria’s Shaddadi Due to Insufficient Flour Distribution

Fahed Khedair, an official in Shaddadi City Council’s Economic Committee, said on Sunday that they had obtained approval to increase the quantities of flour in bakeries in order to solve a bread shortage.

The Village of Attala Opens Erisa Bakery Co-operative

Considering the shortage of bread around the villages of Sheddadi, the Committee of Co-operative Societies in Hasakah has opened Erisa Bakery Co-operative in the village of Attala, 10 kilometres north of Sheddadi.

Important Projects by the Sheddadi House of Co-operatives

The House of Co-operatives in Sheddadi has been working on many projects that aim to improve the economy in and around the city.