Green Tress Environmental Association Distributes Tree Saplings to the Schools of Tirbesbiye

On 22 February 2024, the Green Tress Environmental Association distributed tree seedlings to the schools of Tirbesbiye city as part of the project 'Environmental School – Environmental Community', and in memory of the martyr artist Mansour Karimian. The seeds were planted two years ago and have been cared for and watered since then, in coordination between the workers in the Odeh field and the Association.

Women’s Environmental Platform with Green trees Association participates in a volunteer day to collect tree seeds

With the aim of providing tree seeds to produce plants, the Women’s Environmental Platform and Kêzîyên Kesk [Green Tress] Association participated in a day of environmental volunteer work.

Collecting Kizwan Tree Seeds

With the participation of first year students from the Faculty of Agriculture in Rojava, a volunteer day was organised to collect seeds (Kizwan) trees as part of the #FromEverySeedTree campaign launched by the Green Tresses Environmental Association in Northeast Syria.

The formation of environmental committees in schools in Amuda

Environmental Committees are being formed in schools in Amuda, as part of a collaboration between the Keziyên Kesk Environmental Association and the Education Authority of the Jazira Canton.

The Turkish occupation attacks on the regions of northern and eastern Syria are a clear violation of the rule of international environmental law and human rights.

Since 23/10/2024, the regions of Northern and Eastern Syria have witnessed a new wave of escalation in which the Turkish occupying state has targeted the already fragile infrastructure and services due to the siege imposed on the region’s population and the long duration of the ongoing war in the country.

Water war of Turkish state: Jaghjagh River causes diseases

The water of the Jaghjagh River was heavily used for irrigation of more than 50,000 decares of agricultural land in the city of Qamishlo. However, the river now poses a threat to the public health and environment in the Jazira Canton because the Turkish state has poured sewage and chemical waste into the river.

The world can learn from the Rojava revolution

Let’s reflect on the great achievements of the Rojava revolution in north and east Syria in the face of great adversity: the unification of communities deliberately divided on the basis of religion and ethnicity by dictatorial states and the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist movements alike; the liberation and empowerment of women in the face of the reactionary rollbacks imposed by the later; the embryonic attempts to reorganise the economy on a cooperative and ecologically sustainable basis; and the establishment of inclusive grassroots democracy based on the democratic confederalist ideas developed by long-imprisoned Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan.

Environmental leaders in North and East Syria – interviews with Jazira Canton Municipality and ‘Keziyen Kesk’ organization

In the face of an array of ecological challenges, a range of actors in NES have been working to cultivate an “environmentally minded population”. RIC spoke with Berivan Omer, a member of Jazira region’s leadership board and the women’s ecology platform, Ziwer Shexo, a volunteer for Keziyen Kesk (‘Green Braids’), a popular environmental initiative, and

Model organization for all women: Kongra Star [part 11]

The ecological structure is also destroyed in the attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria. The Ecology Committee of Kongra Star has protected nature with the spirit of goddesses. Rihan Temo, spokesperson of the committee, called on women, people, organizations and institutes and said, “Protect your lands, nature because our lands are rich. We want to create the mentality protecting ecology culture in society. We should protect our environment and trees.

Green Braids for Rojava

The Kesiyên Kesk project started in October 2020.

“Green Braids” Campaign to Plant Four Million Trees in Syria’s Northeast

The Green Braids Initiative began transplanting seedlings as part of the second phase of the campaign to plant four million trees in northeast Syria.