Women’s Gathering in footsteps of Zenobia

Women in Manbij, Deir ez-Zor, Tabqa and Raqqa who were liberated from ISIS are waging an organized struggle against all forms of violence and social problems within the Zenobia Women's Gathering.

‘Zenobia’s legacy challenges and encourages women to actively participate in building Syria’s future’ – interview

In an exclusive interview with Medya News, Khoud Al-Issa, spokesperson of the Zenobia Women's Gathering in North and East Syria, outlines the current attacks against women in Syria and explains why the recent decision of the Syrian interim government to remove Queen Zenobia's name from the national curriculum must be seen as an attempt to erase the history of Syrian women.

Kobane – after 10 years of liberation and current attacks and resistance

In the wake of the people's uprisings against despotic regimes in North Africa and the MiddleEast, the protests against the Assad regime in Syria also began in spring 2011. The Kurds in Rojava (Western Kurdistan), who had been oppressed for decades by the nationalist policiesof the Ba'ath dictatorship, demanded both a fundamental democratisation of Syria and recognition of their political and cultural self-determination. On 19 July 2012, the people of Kobane urged the Syrian military and the state apparatus to withdraw from the city. This was the beginning of the Rojava Revolution.

Interview – Zenobia Women’s Gathering

“We’re here to be a real source of support for women, helping them understand their role in the workplace and within their families.”

About Zenobiya: The Arabic Women’s Union of North and East Syria

The Zenobiya Women’s Union has been the umbrella organization of Arab women in North and East Syria since 2021 and is therefore primarily represented in the regions of Raqqa, Tabqa, Minbic and Deir ez-Zor.

Women Find Solution for Scaling Up Bread Production in NE Syria

Women in the city of Raqqa see significant progress in the economic field, because women have proven themselves.

Raqqa Zenûbiya Women’s Community Office launches campaign to plant 4,500 saplings

The Economic Committee of the Raqqa Zenûbiya Women's Community Office launched a campaign to plant 4,500 saplings.

Zenûbiya Women’s Community focuses on education

The main aim of the Zenûbiya Women's Community is to provide education for the whole society, particularly for women. It holds education courses based on women's liberation and the democratic nation project.

The growing struggle of women in Rojava

Rojava women's struggle began with Yekîtiya Star and moved to a new stage on 26 February 2016 under the name of Kongra Star. 52 women's organizations have been getting organised more efficiently under the umbrella of the Women's Assembly of North-East Syria.

Liberation of Manbij leads to positive changes for women

Emphasizing that the liberation of Manbij leads to positive changes for women, Nisrîn El-Elî and Hiba Dada say that the women of Manbij are more aware of their rights now.

Model organization for all women: Kongra Star [Parts 1 and 2]

Women have been leading a historical revolution in a small country of the world. While the brutal attacks of ISIS on Rojava have been repelled by the resistance of women, their resistance encourages all women around the world. Despite the ongoing attacks on Rojava, women organize them in all areas, from economy to ecology, from politics to diplomacy. Yekitiya Star announced its foundation in 2005 under the pressure of the Baathist regime. After holding its sixth congress, the name of Yekitiya Star was changed to its current name of Kongra Star. Kongra Star, which has carried out important activities for women in Rojava, has 12 committees aiming to build the Democratic Nation.

Mala Jin becomes symbol of women’s revolution

Mala Jin (Women’s House, a kind of women’s shelter) was first opened in Qamishlo. Now, it has 62 branches across northeastern Syria. It has become a space of hope and solution for women in the region and a role model for the whole world.