Kindergarten in Serdem Camp

One of two kindergartens in the Serdem and Berxwedan camps for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Shahba. These kindergartens were opened by the Afrin-Shehba Women’s Assembly to support working mothers and promote women’s economic empowerment. In 2018, thousands were forcibly displaced from Afrin to Shahba due to the occupation of the Turkish state. “Displaced people have faced many challenges especially due to the siege imposed by the Syrian government. Despite everything, displaced women keep resisting. We aim to empower displaced women economically by developing and realising projects. The aim of the projects is to support these women against high prices and poverty,” said Emîne Mele Hesen. of the Afrin-Shehba Women’s Assembly, which opened these and other projects for women who were forcibly displaced from Afrin to Shahba in 2018 due to the occupation of the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions.

Afrin-Shehba Women’s Assembly develops projects to empower displaced women

Afrin-Shehba Women’s Assembly develops projects to empower displaced women

Women’s Assembly supports displaced women by developing projects

Afrin-Shahba Women’s Assembly develops projects on Shahba to empower displaced women economically.