Afrin (Afrîn / Efrîn‎)

Afrin (Arabic: عفرين‎, translit. ʿAfrīn or ʿIfrīn; Kurdish: Efrîn or Afrîn‎; Classical Syriac: ܥܦܪܝܢ‎) is the main city in the region of the same name in Northern Syria. It is considered part of Rojava (West Kurdistan).

The town and district are named after the Afrin River, which flows through the city, splitting it into two distinct halves. The olive tree is the symbol of Afrin. Afrin is a major production centre for olives. Olive oil pressing and textiles are some of the city’s local industry.

During the summer of 2012, shortly after the start of the Rojava Revolution, Syrian government forces withdrew from Afrin, and the city became part of the Rojava self-administration, eventually becoming part of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria. 

On 29 January 2014, Afrin Canton declared autonomy. The assembly elected Hêvî Îbrahîm Mustefa as Prime Minister, and she appointed Remzi Şêxmus and Ebdil Hemid Mistefa her deputies.

In August 2015, the University of Afrin started teaching, with initial programs in literature, engineering and economics, including institutes for medicine, topographic engineering, music and theatre, business administration and the Kurdish language.

On 20 January 2018, Turkish Air Force dropped over 100 bombs on Afrin.

On 18 March 2018, on the 58th day of the Turkish military operation in Afrin, the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Arm (TFSA) and the Turkish Armed Forces captured Afrin from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Shortly after invading the city, TFSA fighters looted parts of Afrin and destroyed numerous Kurdish symbols, including a statue of Kāve. Turkish Army troops raised Turkish flags and banners over the city.

There have since been numerous reports of horrendous crimes being committed in the city and surrounding areas.

The total population of the district was recorded at 172,095 in 2005, including 36,562 residents of Afrin city.

A very thorough collation of information about Afrin can be found here.

Translation: Administrative Divisions Law

In preparation for the forthcoming municipal elections in NES, planned for 11th of June [now postponed to 8 August, 2024], the DAANES passed a new law defining the administrative divisions of the NES region. This follows the DAANES’ publication of the new Social Contract in December 2023.

Afrin-Shehba Canton Municipality continues to serve people despite attacks and embargo

Afrin-Shehba Canton Municipality does not stop its activities despite the attacks and embargo, and serves the public based on an ecological life. In 2024, solar energy will spread in the districts and villages.

Shehmaran Health Center for Natural Medicine opened in Shehba

In Sheba, a region where thousands of people who fled Afrin because of the Turkish occupation of Afrin in 2018 have been living for the last 6 years, a health center for natural medicine was opened by the Kongra Star Health Committee on January 15, the anniversary of their foundation. This center is intended to

Women in NE Syria play great role in shaping AANES structure

Women have played a prominent role in Northeast Syria since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, starting from cities like Hasakah, Qamishli, Afrin, Kobani, and extending to Raqqa, Tabqa, Manbij, and Deir ez-Zor. They have actively participated in various sectors, including military, social, political, economic, and others.

Turkish airstrikes on the civil infrastructure are a threat to a self-sustainable society

Since the night of December the 23rd, the Turkish State is carrying out a new wave of attacks against the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. It again commits numerous war crimes by attacking and killing civilians, destroying infrastructure and health institutions. They are directly destroying the basis of life and existence of the people.

Building the Women’s Revolution: Women’s Communes in Efrîn Canton

Before the Turkish occupation, Efrîn was a center of the ‘women’s revolution’ that North and East Syria has become famous for. Women’s institutions based on direct democracy and aimed at addressing gender inequality and other social challenges were active, and laws and policies mandating political equality had been put into practice. Efrîn Canton saw minimal