Jandairis (Jindires / Cindarisa / Cindirêsê)

Jindires (Arabic: جنديرس‎, Kurdish: Cindirês‎, also spelled, Jandairis, Jandires, Jendires, Jendeires, or Jandarus) is a town in the Afrin Region of Northern Syria.

According to the Syria Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Jindires had a population of 13,661 in the 2004 census.

Jindires was part of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria from close to the start of the Rojava Revolution in summer 2012, until the town was invaded and captured by the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army on 8 March 2018. It is currently under the control of Turkey.

Translation: Administrative Divisions Law

In preparation for the forthcoming municipal elections in NES, planned for 11th of June [now postponed to 8 August, 2024], the DAANES passed a new law defining the administrative divisions of the NES region. This follows the DAANES’ publication of the new Social Contract in December 2023.

What do we want to re-build? Earth as the source of life, not as an enemy

Mutual support has expanded: from the families, the neighborhoods, friends in the region to all around the world. People self-organizing have proved once more the strength that we, the people, have. This proves the necessity to recover the trust in our capacities; the ability to reflect, overcome and solve problems together; the awareness of our interconnections; the relations and actions that put them into practice; the questioning of our real necessities and aims connected to life.

Olives stolen from Afrin on the world market

Since the occupation of Afrin in March 2018, the Turkish state has established a regime of looting and exploitation. Olive and olive products were the main source of income in the region before the invasion. With the Turkish invasion, Afrin’s olive groves have been plundered and have become a source of funding for militiamen from the Turkish-established mercenary “Syrian National Army” (SNA). The SNA militias loot the region’s olive production and bring it to the world market via Turkey.

Syria and Rojava after Maras-centered earthquake

The Maras-centered earthquakes destroyed more than a hundred buildings in Syria and Rojava. 3,581 people lost their lives and 5,348 were injured. Thousands are still under the rubble in the Turkish-occupied areas as the death toll is not disclosed.

Explainer: Afrin, 5 years under Turkish occupation

For the fifth anniversary of the Turkish invasion, in this explainer we want to focus on four aspects of the current situation of the Afrin region: SNA crimes, administration and living conditions, forced demographic change, and new role of HTS (Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, the dominant militant group in Idlib).

The First Women’s Agricultural Coop in Cindirêsê

The first women's agricultural cooperative society has been formed in the area of Cindirêsê in Afrîn, with the participation of twelve members from Kongreya Star, the communes and civil society in the area.