Time of Harvest in the women’s cooperatives

Qamishlo Women’s Wheat Co-operative

A new women's co-operative has been established in Qamishlo, uniting 72 women to work 180 hectares of wheat.

This short report was featured in the June edition of Kongra Star’s monthly newsletter from the Women’s Revolution in North and East Syria.

The Women‘s Economic Committee began harvesting the crops of wheat, lentils, cumin, coriander, fenugreek and barley from the women‘s cooperatives for the 2024 season and delivering them to storage centers in the region.

The committee reported on the amount of wheat produced and said that in general it was a good harvest. For example, in one of the biggest cooperatives in Al-Shaddadi district 233 tons of wheat were harvested. In the cooperative of Qamishlo (city), where 30 women worked during harvest season, the land produced 50 sacks of wheat. Wheat was also harvested in the districts of Tirbespiyê, Kobanî, Al-Shaddadi, Raqqa, Tabqa and Der-Zor.

Due to the low amount of rain during the season and the water policies of the Turkish state, the women workers and administrators faced many difficulties in almost all projects. Project administrator Souad Malla said, “The aim of cultivating these areas as part of the women‘s economy is to cultivate them in a way that women can regain their main role in the economy, rely on themselves, revive the collective spirit and participatory life among women, and provide them with job opportunities and their self-reliance.