Forum in Hesekê discusses agriculture and irrigation issues

This report was published by ANF English on 7 January, 2024

A forum organised by the Northern and Eastern Syria Agriculture and Irrigation Council in Hesekê with the slogan “Let’s create ecological communal agriculture together” ended with the reading of the final declaration.

Ehmed Yunis, deputy co-chair of the Northern and Eastern Syria Agriculture and Irrigation Council, read the final declaration, after an intense day of panels at the forum organized in Hesekê with the slogan “Let’s create ecological communal agriculture together”.

The following points were included in the final declaration:

  • The agricultural sector should be free from military and political conflicts.
  • Incentives for the use of alternative energy (solar energy) should be provided and modern irrigation methods should be promoted.
  • The fuel, fertiliser and seeds needed for agricultural production must be provided.
  • Seed diversity must be ensured and the seeds must be resistant to drought and salinity conditions.
  • Climate committees should be established to carry out research on climate change.
  • Genetic banks should be established under the leadership of experts, agricultural panels should be organised, and protective agriculture methods should be encouraged.
  • Modern irrigation methods should be used to preserve water reserves.
  • Human resources should be developed through training courses.
  • The condition of groundwater should be investigated and the necessary research should be carried out for drilling wells.
  • Agricultural cooperatives should be established according to the ecological communal economy approach.