Women’s Economy aims to increase women’s employment with its projects

This report by Zeyneb Îsa was published by Jinha Women’s News Agency on 15 July, 2024

The Women’s Economy of the Kongra Star has opened a furniture store named “Star Furniture Store” in Dêrik to increase women’s participation in the labour force and achieve their economic independence.

Dêrik- The Women’s Economy of the Kongra Star develops projects to increase women’s participation in the labour force in Dêrik (Al-Malikiyah), a city in Jazira Canton of North and East Syria. It opened a furniture store named “Star” in the city two months ago to promote women’s economic empowerment. NuJINHA spoke to Asya Osman, member of the Women’s Economy, about the store.

‘We aim to promote women’s economic empowerment’

 “We opened the store to increase women’s participation in the labour force,” Asya Osman said, adding, “We have already put many agricultural projects into practice and now we aim to promote women’s participation in the business. We have rented the building to open a furniture store for a long time. Despite financial difficulties, we managed to open it two months ago. Women make furniture in the city of Qamishlo and we sell them at the store.”

‘Women should be active in the labour force’

Women should be active in the labour force, Asya Osman stressed. “The store opens from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Every day, many people visit the store to buy furniture for their houses. We wish success to all women in the labour force and call on all women to participate in the labour force. Women should work to achieve their economic independence.”