As the Syrian lira continues to lose value, Syrians who have been badly affected by increasing prices of basic food products have faced food insecurity. People in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES, also known as Rojava) have increasingly been adopting alternative projects – home gardening – to support local agriculture.
Syrian people in AANES suffer not only from acute financial pressures but also from the pressures of the Syrian regime as Damascus has been applying a strict embargo on AANES.
Due to the embargo on trade of basic food products, including fruits and vegetables, the people in AANES have been looking for alternative ways to make ends meet.
New projects supporting local agriculture and farming have been developed in an effort to cope with the embargo. Residents of Tell Tamer, a town in western Hasakah, have created an alternative to the over-priced fresh fruits and vegetables.
Salih El Mihemed is amongst those residents in Tell Tamer who contribute to local agricultural production. Mihemed grows organic vegetables in the garden of his home. Making use of the small land he owns, Mihemed has started to produce organic vegetables not only for his own family, but also for his neighbours.