Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg – Dêrik partnership builds first solar-powered drinking water well

This report was published by ANF English on 17 August, 2024

The Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg – Dêrik twin town partnership has built the first solar-powered drinking water well for a district of the twin town of Dêrik in Northern Syria.

A solar well went into operation a few days ago in Dêrik in Northern and Eastern Syria. The well in the Şehid Xebat district is a central component of the district’s water supply after the infrastructure in large parts of the region was destroyed by air strikes by the Turkish military. The project, funded by the Berlin State Office for Development Cooperation (LEZ), was implemented by the Berlin twin town partnership Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg – Dêrik together with the city administration in Dêrik and the “Make Rojava Green Again” initiative.

The solar well consists of a water pump that is powered by electricity generated by 112 solar modules with a maximum output of 64.96 kW. During the day, the water is pumped into storage tanks on the roofs of the houses. Currently, more than 1,000 households with around 5,000 people are safely supplied with water. It is expected that even more internally displaced persons from the Turkish-occupied areas of Northern Syria will settle there in the future.

Ecological reconstruction

It is extremely important for the German side of the twinning to support the twin town of Dêrik in supplying the population with electricity and water. “Because this is an important contribution to improving the living conditions of the local people,” said Elke Dangeleit, who is on the board of the town twinning association. The association wants to help the people of Dêrik with concrete projects to develop prospects of staying. This is the only way to prevent them from fleeing to Europe. “The fact that the well is powered by renewable energy is another benefit, because it shows that security of supply and the switch to renewable energy can go hand in hand.”

Ensuring security of supply

The director of the local water authority, Mustafa Ahmed, underlined the importance of the solar well: “This project will be of great benefit to the district because the solar well will secure the water supply. This will eliminate problems such as power outages and the resulting water shortages.”

At the meeting of the grassroots district council in the last week of July, the relevance for the everyday lives of residents was emphasized, who now no longer have to drive to other parts of the city to wash clothes or fill up canisters. In addition to the basic supply of water, the project also means that diesel generators are no longer needed, which has a positive effect on air quality and noise.

Stable cooperation

The German leg of the twinning protocol said: “We appreciate the good and growing cooperation with the Dêrik city administration. This is reflected, among other things, in the fact that only three months passed between the funding decision and the project implementation. We would like to thank the city administration and “Make Rojava Green Again” for the outstanding preparation and implementation. We would like to express our thanks to the Berlin State Office for Development Cooperation for the funding.”