The women’s cooperatives in Tirbespiyê in Northern Syria are working on building alternatives despite the permanent threat of war and have meanwhile become examples of collective forms of work.
With their collective work, the women’s co-operatives of Tirbespiyê make an important contribution to the social economy of the North Syrian city. Many people have taken an example from the co-operatives’ collective mode of production and have taken the initiative themselves. There are now officially 16 women’s co-operatives in the Cizîrê region. The women’s co-operative of Tirbespîye was founded in 2017 and produces vegetables. So far, the co-operative has harvested 41 tons of vegetables and brought them to the market.

In the meantime further women’s co-operatives have been founded in the city. This year a women’s co-operative with ten members was founded. It was given 125 hectares of land for vegetable cultivation. Another co-operative cultivates 250 hectares of land and grows cucumbers, eggplants and onions.

Behîra Ibrahim from the management of the economy committee of the women’s co-operatives explains that one goal is to make a contribution to the economy. She emphasises the success of the women’s co-operatives and stresses that the foundation of further co-operatives is supported.

Co-operative member Xedîce Ehmed tells that the members do all the work themselves collectively and start work in the early morning hours. This year they plan to bring onions and garlic to the market at a reasonable price.