Women in Deir ez-Zor break barriers, excel in administrative work

This report by Ahmad Othman was published by North Press Agency on 21 September, 2023

Administrative women in Deir ez-Zor, eastern Syria, believe that they have reached a significant milestone in the realm of administrative work. They attribute this progress to the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), which has provided ample opportunities for women to demonstrate their capabilities and expertise.

For a long time, women in the rural areas of eastern Deir ez-Zor, were predominantly confined to teaching roles within the educational sector. This limitation was influenced by the tribal nature of the region and its predominantly rural characteristics.

Precise statistics regarding the previous and current number of women working in official institutions in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor are not available. However, it is evident that the AANES has played a significant role in increasing the participation of women in official positions.

The challenging living conditions have also pushed women to seek employment, aiming to secure a stable income to help with their families’ needs.

Despite facing difficulties and challenges in their professional and social lives, women in Deir ez-Zor have proven their effective abilities and important role in serving the community.

The rural regions of Deir ez-Zor are renowned for their tribal customs, where women traditionally had limited roles within their households, primarily focused on taking care of their husbands and children. However, gradually, women have been able to challenge societal perspectives and assert their presence in various social and political domains.

“Women have recently been able to play their roles, reasonably well,” said Intisar Ramadan, Co-chair of the AANES’ Organizations Office in eastern Deir ez-Zor.

According to her, women have successfully assumed leadership roles alongside men, making significant contributions to society and exerting a profound impact during the establishment of the AANES.

In the past, women were rarely seen in institutions due to the region’s tribal nature. However, over time, they have successfully changed this perception. Their role has transformed into something more significant than merely going to work and receiving a monthly salary, according to her.

Ramadan believes that women have faced challenges in their professional endeavors, particularly due to societal perceptions shaped by customs and traditions prevalent in the northeastern regions of Syria.

She sees that the primary role for women is to support their husbands in facing life challenges and livelihood difficulties, working together to raise future generations based on proper upbringing.

Suaad al-Dubeih, who works in the AANES’ Archives Office at the People’s Council in Hajin, eastern Deir ez-Zor, says that women have excelled in both their domestic and professional responsibilities. “Women have demonstrated their capabilities in serving society, in addition to their crucial roles within their households.”

According to al-Dubeih, women have shattered barriers, transformed societal stereotypes, and challenged the obstacles presented by cultural customs and traditions rooted in a culture of shame.

She adds that women’s role in society, especially in the administrative and political fields, depends on the level of awareness among the general public.

Women have worked hard to embrace their rightful roles and have successfully demonstrated their capability for progress, she concluded.