A Meeting with the Veterinary Pharmacy Co-operative Distributes Dividends

Agricultural & Veterinary Pharmacy Co-operative

182 shares were issued to 20 participants [October 2018] at 50,000 SYP [under £70] per share. The co-op made 76% profit in six months.

This is a translation of an Arabic article by Amani Muhamed that appeared on Aboriya Civaki on 8 October, 2018

The Administration of Co-operative Societies related to to the Economic Committee in Manbij held a meeting with members of the Agricultural and Veterinarian Pharmacy Co-operative at the Centre of Economics to distribute the co-op’s dividends.

Safar Zakariyah is part of the Administrator of Cooperative Societies, and he talked about the importance of this meeting, and explained the idea of co-operative societies and the way they work.

They have issued 182 shares, and the price for each is 50,000 SYP [under £70]. There are 20 participants so far. The co-op has made 76% profit in six months.

The participants are allowed to withdraw their shares every six months.