Mehmet Asena: We will protect our language

Anka Language and Art Education Cooperative

The Anka Language and Art Education Cooperative organises multilingual education and art workshops in the neighbourhood of Bağcılar in the borough of Bağlar (Rêzan) in Amed (Diyarbakir).

This report was published by ANF English on 25 September, 2024

MED-DER worker Mehmet Asena said that the raids on MED-DER and Payîz Pirtûk were part of a systematic and special war policy, and added that they will defend the Kurdish language despite the arrests and repression.

As part of the investigation launched by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, a police raid was carried out on the Mesopotamian Language and Culture Research Association (MED-DER) and the bookstore Payîz Pirtûk on Tuesday [24 September, 2024]. The decision of the Diyarbakır 4th Criminal Court of Peace meant that many books, magazines, newspapers and digital materials in the association and the bookstore were seized.

As part of the investigation, the Anka Language and Art Education Cooperative, which organizes multilingual education and art workshops in the neighborhood of Bağcılar in the borough of Bağlar (Rêzan), was also raided. It was reported that the hard drives of the computers in the cooperative were seized during the raid.

23 people, including the co-chairs of MED-DER, were taken into custody as part of the investigation. MED-DER worker Mehmet Asena, spoke to ANF about the new wave of arrests and said: “These detentions and raids are an all-out attack on the Kurdish language. This is not a situation that develops overnight. Attacks on the Kurdish language have intensified in recent days. Attacks have increased, especially because of the intense Kurdish work in the region. In the face of this, the Kurdish people have shown that their language is a red line. There has been an all-out resistance against these attacks, from Kurdish writings written on the roads to Kurdish culture, halays [traditional dances] and songs. Because the Kurdish language and culture are under all-out attack.”

‘These attacks are the result of a hostile approach towards the language’

Asena added that a purge plan was put into effect due to the intensification of work on the Kurdish language, and said: “These attacks are a continuation of special war policies. Whichever institution and organization is working in the field of language, is faced with heavier repression. As MED-DER, the application for courses we opened in the fall, and the people’s sensitivity to their own language pave the way for these attacks. This situation shows that they are displaying a hostile attitude towards the Kurdish people and their language. This is how we read it. We are not bowing down to these attacks. We will defend both our language and culture. This attack is not an ordinary one. Those detained are those who have been comprehensively promoting the Kurdish language. Therefore, I am saying that there is a hostile attitude and purge towards this language.”

‘We will not give up the struggle’

Mehmet Asena said that they will not give up the struggle despite all the attacks on the Kurdish language, and added: “They are trying to hinder this struggle with attacks on the Kurdish language, but they are very wrong. Our people will continue their struggle for their own language. I am calling on our people to protect our language. Everyone should learn and teach their language. This language will not disappear. This language has kept these people on their feet for thousands of years. Our people must keep this language on their feet today. We must fulfill our duty. We must use the Kurdish language in every area of ​​life against these attacks.”