The Peace Committees of the Zenobia Women’s Community guarantee women’s rights while working to find solutions to the problems faced by women and society.
After the Zenobiya Women’s Community opened its headquarters in Deir ez-Zor, it formed many committees and started working. The Peace Committee is one of the community’s committees. The mission of this committee is to hold meetings to discuss and find solutions for problems in society. There are 15 Peace Committees in Deir ez-Zor and its rural areas, and 22 members work for these committees. Three women take part in each committee. Hiba El-Ehmed, a member of the Mekteb Zenobiya Women’s Community Peace Committee, spoke to NuJINHA about the committee.
They find solutions for problems
Stating that their committee aims to find solutions to problems faced by women in society, Hiba El-Ehmed said that their committee focuses on ending child marriage, polygamy, and all forms of violence against women. “When an incident occurs, we first investigate it. Then we hold sessions to discuss and solve the problems faced by women.
Violence is the main reason for divorces
İman Mihemed, a member of the Peace Committee in Deir ez-Zor, stated that women suffer in every sense. “Women don’t face only pressure by their husbands but also by their husbands’ families and society. Women are not only neglected but also subjected to physical and domestic violence. The divorce rate is 57% in Deir ez-Zor. The reasons for divorces are violence, insults, and domestic violence. Most divorced women have children. We, as Peace Committee, try to solve problems faced by women in their families. We give both parties a month or two so that we can find a solution for the issues.”
Cases are referred to court
Speaking about the works of the Peace Committee of the Zenobiya Women’s Community in the rural areas of Deir ez-Zor, the committee member Behiş Awad said, “We receive 4-5 cases a day. We try to solve the problems. We call both parties and talk to them about the problem faced by them in order to find a solution for their problem. We have solved almost all the problems. We refer the cases to the court so that women could get their rights. We do our best to guarantee the rights of women.”
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