The corn drying factory in Raqqa opened its doors to corn producers. The factory has received nearly 3,000 tons of corn from farmers since its opening on 20 October.
The corn drying factory in Raqqa opened its doors to corn producers. A kilo of corn has been valued [at] 1,100 Syrian pounds by the North and East Syria Economy and Agriculture Office. At the same time, Raqqa Agricultural Community Development Corporation is establishing a factory next to the corn drying factory.
Raqqa is advancing in maize farming. The farmers of Raqqa have focused on corn production for more than two years, especially after the establishment of the corn drying factory by the Autonomous Administration.
Before the drying factory was opened, the farmers dried their corn in the squares and streets using the old methods.

Hisên Dêrik, one of the managers of the corn drying factory in Raqqa, told ANHA that this year was better than last and added that the duty of the factory is to buy all the products from the farmers. H Dêrik added that since the opening of the factory on 20 October, the factory has bought approximately 3,000 tons of corn.
Dêrik noted that the Agricultural Society Development Company will establish a factory next to the corn drying factory to support the livestock industry.
The corn factory consists of 3 drying sections, each section of which can dry 600 tons per day.
At the same time, there are corn warehouses built according to international storage standards in the villages to the north of Raqqa.